
your friends are only make believe

i'm writing this as i sit on my freezing ceramic-tiled kitchen floor. no good reason why i'm sitting here except that the light was on in the kitchen and i didn't feel like turning a light on somewhere else. i'm energy-efficient like that. also, for the first time ever, i'm able to write this post from my kitchen floor because (drumroll please!) i pimped my house and now i'm rollin wireless-style. but wait! that's not the biggest news! the day i decided to be a big girl and go wireless was also the same day that i bought my wii!!

that's right, folks. i have a wii. and it changes EVERYTHING.

lindsay, you ask, have you become a nerdy gamer chick in just a few short days? (no offense to anyone who reads this who is a gamer - i mean it in the most stereotypical way.) negator, i have not become a nerdy gamer chick. ok, maybe a teensy bit. but what the wii really changes is my schedule, and on at least 2 levels so far. first off, i feel like i HAVE to play with my wii for at least a little while each day (hehe) to get my money's worth, so my already-packed schedule has taken a dramatic hit. i'm still forcing myself to hit up the gym at least 4 days a week, so as a result i'm going to bed a little later... and making my way into work a little later as well. it's not a pretty cycle.
on the other hand, my wii is changing my schedule because people want to hang out with me now. :) natalie's coming over tomorrow after work to play and my parents are expecting to play sometime soon. i feel like it would benefit me to impose a "wii tax" - you can play with my wii all night long if you feed me. i think that sounds reasonable. i'll begin implementing with my parents.
another benefit of the wii is that now i have more conversation points... i think i spent about an hour over the past 2 days talking to my boss about the wii and she let me borrow one of their games for a few days (raving rabbids). everyone seems to have a wii story. it's like its own little underground community. :)

anyways, while i was taking a break last night from my new hobby, i pushed myself a bit too far at the gym. it was the busiest i've ever seen it monday night, all the treadmills were taken, and all that was left was one elliptical and the recumbent bikes. being adventurous, i opted for the elliptical. i think the most i had ever done on the elliptical was 13 minutes the previous saturday. in full disclosure, i didn't plan on staying on it long - i planned to warm up for maybe 10 minutes and then hopefully a treadmill would open up... but i'm a little ocd with mileage and times and calories, so i ended up staying on for 35 minutes, 3.05 miles. you'd think this would have been enough... my legs were burning and i was wonderfully sweaty. but i'm a little bull-headed, so i decided that since my intention that night was to run, gosh darn it i was going to run. i was on the treadmill for 40 minutes... but i only ran 1/2 mile and walked the rest of the time because i felt like i had torn something in my legs. it was weird (and painful, obviously), but it was almost as though i could feel the muscle tear away from the bone. 520 calories burned off, i decided it was time to head home and then i took a hot bath. i had planned on going to the gym tonight, but decided i needed a rest day instead. since natalie's coming over tomorrow night, i might try to go to the gym in the morning, but it'll be iffy. maybe i can convince myself by allowing myself a starbucks on the way to work if i go to the gym in the am... hmm...

that's about all i have to report... oh, and i forgot to mention it in my last post, but we won our volleyball game thursday night and we are now 3-0. it was a cake walk, and hopefully this week will be similarly easy. however, this week's team is also 3-0... but the season's early and we're a solid team, so it's anyone's game.

wish me luck for getting up in the morning to work out!

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