
all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if u seek amy

i've sadly become obsessed with the britney spears' song "if u seek amy." i seriously cannot stop listening to it. and the lyrics don't even make sense with the alternative meaning (hint: say "if u seek amy" fast), but the rhythm of it is just so gosh darn catchy. sure, some people may make fun of britney, but for some reason i've really rooted for her over the years. and i've always secretly liked her songs... hey, they're great to work out to!

i woke up nice and early today to relax and eat a nice breakfast (2 pieces ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread and a fruit bowl of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and pom seeds with mint yogi tea and agave nectar) before going to the 11 am yoga class at la fitness. i arrived with a few minutes to spare, but there were a lot of people there and very few spots were open. since i'm a complete yoga novice, i placed my mat between 2 people in the back row. now, there was plenty of room on either side of me for the two other people and the woman to my left didn't say a word. the older woman on my right, however, decided that she needed more leg room. as i was laying my mat down, she told me that there wasn't enough room and that i'd need to go to the front of the room. "there's plenty of room up there for you," she said and nodded her head towards the front. i looked at her and at the space between her mats (AMPLE space) and said something like "really? there's a lot of space..." and just to be difficult, she stretched her leg out and touched my mat with her big toe and looked up at me. i just raised my eyebrows, rolled up my mat and huffed "whatever, lady" before going out the door. i totally understand wanting to have enough room, but THERE WAS. i was soooo mad. i had been looking forward to yoga since monday night's class. i realize i could've just gone up front, but i don't like being front and center when i don't know what i'm doing. i think it was just a little bit uncalled for. so anyways, i ended up doing a smörgåsbord of gym exercises instead. i played basketball for about 20 minutes, then did 15 minutes on the recumbent bike, a little over 17 minutes on the elliptical, and about 37 minutes on the treadmill. i would've kept going on the treadmill and done weights, but one of the front desk attendants informed me i had a visitor...

mom and dad! they had apparently been calling my phone for the past hour and a half because they were coming to visit and when i didn't answer, they showed up at the most obvious place - the gym! i have to admit, when the girl said i had a visitor, i thought it was the cops. haha. i have no idea why i'd think that since i haven't done anything, but that was the first thought through my head. tee hee.

so i left the gym and then met my parents at my house. mom brought me 2 of the books she got for christmas (marley & me and twilight) and they brought me a yummy surprise - tonymisu from moio's!! we stayed in for a while and i showed them both how to play the wii... my mom tried wii fit, wii sports, and ddr. my dad tried a little bit of ddr but he was terrible at it. :) my mom seemed to like it, especially the wii fit, but my dad maintains that it's too expensive so they're not getting one. maybe i'll create a mii for her for the next time they come... we ended up in the strip for late lunch/early dinner. my dad really wanted to go to deluca's but we got there just a little too late. we walked around for a bit and then dad decided we were going to our old standby - the spaghetti warehouse. awesome, as always. but oddly enough, the hostess picked up a kid's menu for me... i'm 26. what am i supposed to do with a kid's menu? anyways, we each got trio dinners - apps, dinners (+salad/soup), and dessert. i got the chicken parm with pasta, a salad with balsamic and mozzarella sticks and ate about 1/3 of it. we all ended up with tiramisu, so my tonymisu will have to be tomorrow's treat. :)

after dinner we went to a new organic natural foods store that we passed on the way to the warehouse... right by nature. i'd swear the skies parted and pure sunlight was shining onto the place. it. was. awesome. ok, it was pretty much like whole foods/east end food co-op, but a bit cheaper. AND (important for in the strip) they give you a free parking token with a purchase. it was really nice inside... they had a really large selection of everything (but whole foods has a larger selection of produce), and their nut butter selection was nothing short of spectacular. sunbutter, almond butter, cashew butter, soynut butter, mystery butter, all kinds of wonderful butters. and they also have a lovely assortment of greek yogurt, including some i had never seen before. and their salad bar, both hot and cold... pretty good-looking stuff and $4/lb cheaper than whole foods!! PLUS they have a coffee bar that serves la prima coffee (YUMMMMM!). their coffee bean section wasn't super exciting but they have more teas than i have seen anywhere outside of nyc. seriously, their tea selection is incredible. my dad didn't seem too thrilled by the place (he calls it "organic crap" and won't eat anything that says "organic" on it... so weird), so i was a little rushed. i ended up with some hickory smoked turkey jerky and a strawberry "fruit leather." i tried the jerky and although it was quite tasty, i still prefer trader joe's teriyaki turkey jerky. tj's turkey jerky is also about $1.20 cheaper... but i loved this store and i think i'll make it a thursday night before or after volleyball treat since we play pretty close to the strip. for anyone that's interested, they're open 7 days a week 8am - 9pm.

i considered going back to the gym tonight after my parents left, but by the time i'd have gotten there, changed clothes, etc, it just wouldn't have been worth it. instead i might do some wii fit yoga (since i missed out on yoga this morning, haha)... or maybe i'll just hang out and relax. i'm gonna try to wake up even earlier tomorrow so that i can get to the gym with plenty of time to spare - yoga starts at 11 am again; this time with monday's instructor (yay!)... wish me luck in getting a spot! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I was browsing blog and found yours. We got a WII for Christmas and I actually have WII Fit on my wedding registry haha.
