
my goodies

first off, clinton kelly is so freakin adorable that i just want to eat him. i just had to get that off my chest. i watched WNTW last night and he tried to bite a contributor... and he looked fabulous doing it. he can bite me any day.

in other opinion-related news, i just don't understand why the first lady insists on wearing really dark red lipstick. i channel-surfed through a commercial break while watching sam brown today and the first lady was on cspan going on and on about the china used in the white house. a.) not to be disrespectful, but who cares? b.) ok, so the rest of the country is going through the worst financial crisis in years, but the white house has to get new china every so often... yeah, that seems like a necessity. c.) that red lipstick is just way too dark. i think she'd look better with more of a neutral, with a slight hint of gloss. the shade she was wearing looked too cakey and dry... and it made her look old. i'm assuming she's been botox-ing; if not, heredity has dealt her a great hand because the skin on her face is tighter than my new seven-brand jeans.

speaking of sam brown, i've been kicking this around for a while now: i think i want to get my hair cut like hers.

it looks way cute on her, and although i'm not as thin as her, and my hair isn't nearly as light, i think it might look cute on me too. but i'm not sure, and i always hate cutting my hair really short since it's such a pain to grow back in... i'm still thinking, but if i get bored tomorrow, who know's what i might end up doing.

last night and all day today my mom kept calling and telling me about the huge storm that was coming my way... so i stayed in last night and when i only saw little bursts of flurries and the occasional rain shower today, i decided to brave mother nature's wrath. good thing i did, because the roads were completely clear and just wet. so i went tanning for the second time and then went to the gym. lemme just advertise the fact that i'm a freakin beast. so i ran for a little while today (note to self: don't gulp water seconds before working out!!), then did some elliptical, and then lifted some weights... my legs were super-strong today and i ended up doing leg presses with my body weight + 10% and it was pretty easy. i was a little afraid to go higher since i don't think i've ever lifted with that much weight before, but it really wasn't bad at all!

post-gym i introduced myself to my newest addiction: mcginnis sisters. for anyone who reads this who lives around pittsburgh, GO THERE. NOW. or, i guess, go there tomorrow since they closed at 7 pm. oh my goodness, it's like trader joe's on crack!! now, i love me some TJ's. there will always be a very special place in my heart for it. however, in the event that i'm nowhere near 'sliberty, mcginnis sisters is a more than humdrum substitute. i seriously could have bought the entire store. i limited myself, however, to just a few items: fresh blackberries (only $2!), half and half, AND... m.s. is the only place in the pgh area where i've been able to find these two lovelies:

texas pete hot sauce, previously brought back to the burgh from myrtle beach. my hunt for pete has been unsuccessful until today.


i'm super excited to try the chobani since i've read such good reviews. :)

i also motored over to shop n save, where i made the mistake of buying really spicy giardiniera. i haven't had giardiniera since i worked at a restaurant in butler that served it as an app, but i loved it and i was really excited when i saw it on sale today. i had my choice of mild or hot... since i live dangerously, i opted for hot. that was bad news bears, lemme tell ya. i ate it about 3 hours ago and my mouth still hurts. but it sure was tasty... :)

tomorrow i am making another attempt at wii-hunting. mark has instructed me to be at toys r us as soon as they open, so i will be waking up and heading out (provided the "huge storm" doesn't make its way to monroeville over night...). wish me luck cause the battle's on. RAAAR!

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