
i won at wii tennis... wait, where are my pants?!

i am still in mourning over not having a wii. but i'm trying to accept it. i want the wii to come to ME. not literally, since it doesn't have legs or wheels and it can't really transport itself in any way, but i want to just walk into target or walmart or wherever and just see a wii in a case, waiting to go home with me. i don't want to deal with the hassle of calling every place within a 30 mile radius just to have disgruntled salespeople tell me "NO!" and hang up on me. i'm sick of that already and i've wasted too much time on it. so now, i will play it by ear. i may show up at toys r us at 10 am sunday morning, but if they don't have them, i refuse to get upset. instead, i will merely continue on my way to the gym. deal? deal.

the past few days have been largely uneventful, yet they've passed in a blur. the good news is that i've started sleeping again. i've slept 2 nights in a row. like a frickin baby. in fact, there was pee in my toilet this morning, but i have no recollection of getting up in the middle of the night to go. THAT'S how good i've slept the past 2 nights. hopefully tonight's a repeat.

for more good news, i'm on my way to accomplishing my january fitness goal - i went to the gym both yesterday and today (that makes 3 visits so far for january) AND i took the latin impact class tonight. the class was fun, but since i have zero coordination my face was redder from laughing than from actually working out. it was a workout, though... not quite as tough as my running and weights, but i was a little sweaty and we were definitely moving the entire hour. the instructor, paul, was really flamboyant, so that made it more fun. i don't think group fitness classes are my thing, though. this is the 3rd one i've tried, and although all 3 have been fun, i think i just prefer my own solo workouts. nevertheless, i'm going to continue on my journey to try all the classes at least once. who knows, maybe i'll find something that i love?

since my mom and i are going on another cruise in february, i've decided that maybe i should get a little bit of a base tan since my skin isn't such a huge fan of direct sunlight... so i tweedled over to hollywood tans tonight before latin impact and signed up for a one-month package. honestly, it felt good to be in the booth again, but i'm determined to not do it past the cruise. i made my mom stop going a year or two ago, so i have no right to be going... especially with my health issues. so anyone who reads this has to hold me to it - i have to stop tanning after the cruise. punch me, kick me, slash my tires, whatever (ok, no, don't slash my tires... i just got new tires), but don't let me go after the cruise.

now for the itsy bit of bad news: you know how in my previous post i said i wanted to go into the military, maybe the navy or coast guard? yeah, well, that's not gonna happen. seems that, like everything else i've wanted to do with my life, my health will be holding me back from yet another job. you see, the military (all branches) have requirements. if you don't meet certain requirements, you are disqualified from active military service. guess who's disqualified? so even though i feel totally fine, i'm DQ... bite. me. can someone PLEASE find me a job where i feel like i'd be doing something worthwhile? if it's not too much to ask for, can it involve french? if not, that's cool... but really, i'm tired of doing meaningless stuff all day and basically doing nothing with my life. so if anyone has any ideas, i'd greatly appreciate them. :)

in other news, there's nothing quite like facebook to make you feel like a loser. it sucks when a person everyone thought was kind of dim and probably gay (no, i'm not insinuating that the 2 things have anything to do with one another) now has a spouse (hetero) and kids and a WAY better job than you (ahem, government). just goes to show that who we were in high school is rarely who we are today. it's scary and disorienting. and it makes me want to just give up.

but i can't give up because... the winter volleyball season starts tomorrow!!! (unless it's cancelled due to snow) we play our first game at 6.45 tomorrow night and i'm psyched!! my teammates are all about winning, and to an extent i am too, but for the first game, i'm just excited to play again and i don't care if we win or lose. i'm stoked. :)

off to bed i go! peace out jeezies.

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