
hey hey hey! come out and PLAY!

of all the whacked out things to happen at my party last night, i fell in love. with a video game console.

it was not love at first sight, as some have experienced. instead, it was the kind of love where you have a good time all night and then the object of your affection leaves you hanging high and dry at 3 am and you think nothing of it. just, "that was a fun night, we should do it again sometime." but no. because when you wake up, all you can think about is this thing, this lust for something that so completely encompasses your being until you cannot take it any longer. you just have to have it. you cannot go on living without it. it will be yours.

and i'm not just saying that because the controllers vibrate. (though that's an interesting plus)

so today's mission, should my bank account choose to accept it, is to hunt down a wii. this is why we have credit cards.

as you can probably tell, the party went well. i still have massive amounts of booze and beer and food in my fridge, so perhaps i will be having another party in the somewhat near future. maybe i'll make it a monthly thing, like the rising of the moon or whatever. and if i buy a wii, i can have people play with my wii. i'm sure i'd like it if people played with my wii. :)

i was especially excited to see amie! although we live in the same city (though she's in bellevue and i'm near monroeville), we only see each other a few times a year. it used to be more frequent, but she goes to school and works and i have a million things going on, so it's tough to coordinate schedules. but it was awesome to see her and to have her hang out.

plans for today include going to the gym, getting gas, and maybe wii-hunting. oh how i ache for a wii. :)

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