
you are the sunshine of my life, right by nature!

I don’t have a whole lot to report today, but I DO want to sing the praises yet again of Right by Nature. I stopped yesterday before volleyball “scouting” to waste some time and fuel up on a salad. I got the things I was looking for, loaded up my salad (spring mix, sunflower seeds, roasted soynuts, dried cranberries, a feta/asiago mix, bean sprouts, some mixed nuts and some de-lish green goddess dressing!), and headed to the registers… but wait! What’s that sign the bakery lady’s putting up in front of the bakery case? Surely that doesn’t say “Buy one, get two free!” Oh yes, friends, buy 1, get 2 (yep, 2!!) free! So I got 3 bakery bagels for some breakfasts: a blueberry, an everything, and a sunflower honey wheat. 3 breakfasts for only 69 cents total. Rock. Freakin. On. In addition to my salad and breakfast beauties, I snatched up 2 tiny tangerines and some new salad dressing – Drew’s Lemon Tahini Goddess. I’m super excited about the dressing and I think it’ll go swimmingly with my feta. To be on the safe side, though, I think I’m going to ditch the rest of my bagged spinach since I’m pretty sure it’s waging a war on my stomach. Perhaps I’ll stop at TJ’s before going home today to grab some spring mix.
Speaking of heading home, I have to go home early today because a mystery man named George is supposed to meet me there to fix my garage door. The door has been broken since early September and I give myself a hernia every morning when I have to heave it up to get my car out, only to have to prop it up on a ladder to keep it from crushing me and my little Cobalt. Apparently my dad has decided that I’ve suffered long enough and he called George to come fix the cause of my morning frustration. It seemed like he was going to pay for the job, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. The only reason I hadn’t called someone myself is because I don’t have the money to fix the door at the moment… so if George is demanding payment before he leaves, this homeowner may have to be a bit late on the mortgage payment this month…
I have some big plans for the weekend! Ok, they’re not really big plans for normal social-active people, but they’re exciting to a dork like me. First up, and the most exciting, is the Annual South Side Mid-Winter Soup Contest!! $5 and a canned soup donation gets you access to bowls of soup from 23 different vendors. Seriously, how awesome is that?! $5 and a canned soup = 23 bowls of soup? Hot diggity dang, that’s a screamin deal! I’m determined to forego a normal breakfast and potentially even dinner just to sample as many different soups as I can. I love me some soup. In college, my friend Katie and I called each other “soup sisters” because we always headed straight for the soup kettles in the cafeterias and ate soup whenever possible. I may go as far as to say that soup could easily be the perfect meal. I’m probably going to have trouble sleeping tonight just thinking about all that soup! :)
My other plans for the weekend include a super-long-overdue eye doctor’s appointment for new glasses and contacts, returning library books, balancing my checkbook and paying bills (hopefully there’s still money available after George leaves!), maybe baking some bread for next week, and cooking some dinners in advance for the week ahead. I’ve really been slacking on dinner this past week – I’ve made due with salads or soup or even some tortillas with hummus. I just haven’t been up for actually cooking. I’m hoping I’ll be inspired after the soup contest to make some delish creations of my own!
Happy Friday, everyone!

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