
we are the champions!

way to go steelers! six-time superbowl champs!!
omg, like probably everyone in steeler nation, i nearly had a coronary when larry fitzgerald got that last arizona td... but then there's good ole drug-dealing santonio holmes for the pittsburgh win! from childhood drug-dealer to superbowl mvp... wow! i cried at the end, but they were exhuberant tears. although i don't consider myself a football fan in general, i have to say - last night's game is the kind of game that creates football fans. i actually watched the entire game and yelled at the tv - i think they even heard my defense cheers in tampa cause our defense was off the hook! this is a day for wide grins and contented sighs. :)
i considered going to dick's last night after the game to get a shirt, but decided i was too tired. but oh, i was so excited!! it took me a while to fall asleep, but i woke up feeling nice and refreshed - and it didn't hurt that the sun was shining!
i attempted to eat oatmeal this morning, but apparently my oatmeal was stale... i didn't even know oatmeal could GET stale, but this was just disgusting. i ate a few bites and then had to throw it out. lucky for me, someone at work made banana bread so i had a couple slices of that and a grapefruit with coffee. i'm considering going to trader joe's around lunchtime or maybe a little later because i'm totally out of salad fixins and i am desperate for some more tuscan white bean hummus and homemade whole wheat tortillas.
after work, i'll be going tanning, then heading to the gym for a massive workout - running, walking, maybe weights and elliptical, and an hour of yoga! i missed yoga yesterday at the gym, but had a good time running both saturday and sunday. saturday was another mileage record for me, but barely - 3.15 miles (previous record was 3.11 miles). i felt like i could have kept going, but the gym was ready to close since they close at 8 on sat and sun. sigh. maybe later this week i'll run more... or maybe on the cruise... haha. yeah, right. :)
i suppose i should do some work... peace out homes (or holmes, a la santonio)!

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