
Go go Speedracer!

I was so excited because it was warm this morning and it became sunny… but then it also became cold! I had planned on going to the sand courts to practice my serves, do some running drills, etc., but I only brought shorts and a tank. Guess that’s out. :(
Tomorrow’s the big game! Hopefully it’ll be 2 games! We play a team we’ve beaten before, but they were a challenge the first time around. I don’t think they’ll be any less difficult tomorrow. Then, if we beat them, we’ll likely be playing the #1 team from the other division, who is coincidentally undefeated. However, I’ve seen some of their competition and fully understand why they’re undefeated – they’re good, that’s a definite, but they haven’t played any really challenging teams this year. With a lot of luck and a lot of hard work, I’m sure we can win the whole dang thing!
I was so proud of myself Monday and yesterday because I FINALLY broke through my speed barrier. I had been stuck on doing super-slow 12-13 minute miles and I had remained relatively content – after all, I’m not a natural runner and I was just proud of myself for being able to run at all. However, Monday night I took a huge leap and ran an 11-minute mile!! That’s kind of an estimate, but I was running between 5.2 and 5.6 mph the entire time, with a good half a mile or more at 5.6 mph.  I know that’s not really fast for most people, but like I said, I’m just proud that I’m able to do it at all. :)
Also at the gym on Monday, I was unexpectedly asked out on a date! Remember the guy I played volleyball with at the gym a couple weeks ago, who also plays in the PSL league? Well, he asked me out to dinner! I was totally shocked, and I remember having a totally blank look on my face after he asked me. Like, “Uhh… me? Dinner?” I mean, no one ever asks me out! I’m pretty much the most standoffish person in the history of the world. I was just flabbergasted. So that should be interesting.
Since my plans to play in the sand have been thwarted, I might head over to the Market District Giant Eagle tonight. It’s been a looooong time since I’ve been there and I miss it. I plan on finding the whole wheat Fig Newtons I keep reading about and some 100-calorie bags of Kettle Corn. Never mind that I’m not really into popcorn…I just keep spotting it everywhere I turn and it’s driving me nuts. I even popped a bag that expired on Nov. 18 2007 today.
Oh, if only I could leave work now…

1 comment:

  1. Did it pop well? I don't really think popcorn can go bad.
