
Inside my shell I wait and bleed

When you expect the worst, you’re almost never disappointed. In today’s case, this rings true.
I had to leave early to go to the dentist in order to figure out just what we were going to do about my crazy broken tooth. Let’s be honest – it’s been a while. In exact terms, it’s been nearly 2 years to the date. I do what I can remember, brushing and flossing-wise, but I’m never very optimistic when it comes time to take that trip to Sonic brush heaven. My expectations for today included being chastised for waiting 2 years to come back, and finding out I have to get my wonderfully impacted wisdom teeth out and unearthing about 10 cavities. Luckily, I over-exaggerated my expectations (though not by a whole lot). Aside from the gentle scolding, it was relatively pain-free and my teeth now look shiny and sparkly and uber-white (thank you, Sonic brush!). On the other hand, I was scolded for letting my wisdom teeth grow in so far (the one that broke off was a wisdom tooth that broke through and the other two are quite impacted… no one’s really sure where the fourth one has gone…) and I need to have surgery to get all 3 wisdom teeth out. Oh, and I have a tiny cavity. But just one, not ten. :)
Another thing that was interesting to note from la dentista is that my mouth is apparently tiny. Put that on a match.com profile and see how many replies you get. Yup, apparently my mouth is so small that I shouldn’t use adult toothbrushes anymore – I should get a kid’s toothbrush. That’s news to me. I’m kind of excited, though. I’m gonna go shopping for a cool Batman brush if I can find one. My toothbrush will be cooler than yours. :)
Speaking of buying new things, I got my new Vera Wang glasses last night! I got a call en route to the gym, which was perfect since the eye doc’s is on the way. However, when I got home and took out my contacts, I noticed that the glasses looked kind of large on my face. Like, the lens extends too far. I’m going to wear them to work either Friday or next week to see if anyone else thinks they’re too big – maybe I’m just used to my old (super-cute and small) glasses. We’ll see.
Plans for the evening are to rent a movie at redbox (they’re doing free Wednesday rentals now when you check out the redblog!), make dinner, watch my movie and relax. Tomorrow starts the volleyball finals, so I’ll need to be well-rested!

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